Lower Body

Day Six, Week Two

You made it to the end of Week 2! How awesome is that?! Keep momentum going strong. This is how we create routine. We push forward when distractions try to hold us back. We carve out this time for ourselves no matter what because discipline brings results. Be proud of this moment! You SHOWED UP! That’s the hardest part. Blast that playlist, get your heart rate up with some old school high knees and butt kicks, and end this week stronger than how you started!


More on the Movements…


15 180° Squat Jumps

  1. Stand tall with a proud chest and tight core.

  2. Bend your knees and drive your hips back into a squat.

  3. Jump up while simultaneously twisting to perform a 180° turn in midair.

  4. Land in your squat, weight in your heels, and immediately jump back to starting position.

  5. Find power through your arm swing and by pressing through your heels.

  6. Continue for 15 repetitions.

  7. Breathing: Exhale as you jump, inhale as you land in your squat.

  8. Modification:

    1. If you are unable to jump, perform a regular squat with a 3 second pause at the bottom. Rise out of the squat explosively onto your toes and bring your hips through.

5 Lunge - Squat - Reverse Lunge (each leg)

  1. Stand tall with feet under hips, chest up and shoulders back, and your abs engaged.

  2. Take a long step forward, leading with your heel.

  3. Lower your body until leading thigh is parallel to the floor and shin is vertical.

  4. Your knee can tap the floor or hover above depending on your mobility.

  5. Drive through the leading heel to bring your leg back into a squat.

  6. As you stand out of the squat, with the same leg, take a step back into a reverse lunge.

  7. Take a big step into a normal lunge and continue the combination for 5 repetitions, then repeat with opposite leg.

  8. Breathing: Inhale each time you lunge and squat, exhale as you press away from the lunge and squat.

  9. Modification:

    1. If reverse lunges are too painful on your knees, cut out the reverse lunge and complete 10 repetitions of the combination on each leg, without alternating.

10 Bear Squats

  1. Start on all fours with wrists stacked under shoulders and knees stacked under hips.

  2. Keeping your back flat, lift your knees, allowing them to hover a few inches off the floor.

  3. From bear position, walk your feet forward and lift your chest, rising into a deep squat.

  4. Bring your hands back to the floor and walk your feet back into bear position.

  5. Continue for 10 repetitions.

  6. Breathing: Exhale as you move into the squat, inhale as you return to bear position.

20 Single-leg Hip Thrusters (each leg)

  1. Lie on your back on the floor with knees bent and feet planted close to your glutes.

  2. Lift one leg in the air, then press your planted heel into the floor, driving your hips upward.

  3. Squeeze your butt at the top, holding for 2 seconds.

  4. Continue on the same leg for 20 repetitions, then switch legs.

  5. Breathing: Exhale as you thrust, inhale as you return to the floor.

30 Squat Pulses

  1. Start in squat position with feet slightly wider than hip width and toes slightly pointed out.

  2. Push your hips back and keep your weight in your heels as you bend your knees and sit in your squat.

  3. At the bottom of the squat, pulse up and down for 30 repetitions.

  4. Breathing: Do it!

15 In & Out Calf Raises

  1. Stand tall with shoulders back, core engaged, and toes pointed inward.

  2. Push through the balls of your feet, lifting your heels until you are standing on your toes.

  3. Slowly lower your heels back to the floor, then turn your feet outward so your heels are nearly touching.

  4. Repeat the movement in this position, slowly lower your heels back to the floor, then turn your feet inward again back to starting position.

  5. BOTH movements complete 1 repetition.

  6. Breathing: Exhale as you raise your heels, inhale as you lower.

  7. Modification:

    1. To make this more difficult, stand on a step or block to increase the depth.

20 Sumo Air Squats on Toes

  1. Stand tall with feet wider than hip width, toes dramatically pointed out.

  2. Lift your heels off the floor so you are on the balls of your feet.

  3. Holding this position, kick your hips back, engage your abs, and bend your knees to sit into your squat.

  4. As you return to standing position, make sure you keep your knees out.

  5. Continue for 15 repetitions.

  6. Breathing: Exhale as you squat, inhale as you stand.

10 Low Plank Heel to Sky Raises (each leg)

  1. Start in low plank position, resting on your forearms with elbows stacked below shoulders.

  2. Drive your heel toward the sky, keeping your core engaged and squeezing your glutes.

  3. Return to starting position and continue on the same leg for 10 repetitions before switching to the other leg.

  4. Breathing: Exhale as you lift your heel, inhale as you return to starting position.

  5. Modification:

    1. If it’s too difficult to hold low plank through the movement, drop to your knees, squeeze your glutes and tuck your pelvis. This is your starting position.


Upper Body


Bonus Abs Workout