Total Body

Day Four, Week Two

Hello, and welcome to Week 2! Whoop whoop! How do you feel? If you’re sore, that’s normal, and I promise today’s workout will help. If you aren’t sore, that’s ok too! All of our bodies work a little differently. Now blast your favorite workout playlist and warm up with a jog (wherever you want!) or a quick cycle. Let’s get that body movin’!


More on the Movements…


30 Squat Cross Jumps

  1. Start with feet slightly wider than hip width and toes slightly pointed out.

  2. Squat down to touch your right foot with your left hand.

  3. As you stand back up, jump your feet together then back to starting position.

  4. Repeat with the opposite side and continue alternating for 30 repetitions.

  5. Breathing: Exhale as you squat and reach, inhale as jump your feet together.

  6. Modification:

    1. If you are unable to jump, remove it and increase your repetitions to 40.

10 Monkey Push-ups

  1. Start in a deep squat position with feet slightly wider than hip width and toes slightly pointed out.

  2. Shift your weight forward onto your hands with your arms extended.

  3. Bend your elbows to lower your head toward the floor, then press back up explosively into the starting position.

  4. Continue for 10 repetitions, never standing out of the squat.

  5. Breathing: Inhale as you lower your head, exhale as you press up.

15 Ground Slam + Overhead Jump

  1. Start with feet at hip width and toes slightly pointed out.

  2. Shift your hips back as you bend forward to touch the ground keeping a flat back and shins parallel.

  3. As you stand, press through your heels and jump with your chest up.

  4. Continue for 15 repetitions.

  5. Breathing: Inhale as you touch the ground, exhale as you jump.

  6. Modification:

    1. If you are unable to jump, reach for the sky from your tip toes instead and continue for 25 repetitions.

30 sec High Plank Rotations

  1. Hands should be stacked under your shoulders with fingers spread to provide a base.

  2. Pop up onto your toes, keeping everything in a straight line.

  3. Squeeze your butt and quads and hold your core tight, careful to not round your back or sag your hips.

  4. Rotate your hips to the right as you raise your right arm toward the ceiling.

  5. Slowly return to plank position and repeat on the other side.

  6. Continue alternating for 30 seconds.

  7. Breathing: Exhale as you reach, inhale as you return to plank position.

10 Alternating Single-leg Tricep Dips

  1. Grab a sturdy chair, or use the couch, a coffee table or bench.

  2. Place your hands outside your hips, knuckles facing forward and arms straight.

  3. Raise one leg in the air.

  4. With your hips squared, lower your body to the ground, then press yourself back up through your palms.

  5. Keep your chest high to avoid hunching forward, and keep your elbows tucked behind your shoulder blades.

  6. As you press back up, switch legs and dip again.

  7. Continue alternating for 10 repetitions.

  8. Breathing: Inhale as you lower, exhale as you press up.

30 Speed Skaters

  1. From standing position, take a big step to the right, then swing your left leg behind you while bringing you left arm in front of your body.

  2. Hop to the left leg, swinging your right leg behind you and bringing your right arm in front.

  3. Continue alternating for 30 repetitions.

  4. Breathing: Inhale as you swing, exhale as you hop.

  5. Modification:

    1. If jumping is not possible or too difficult, step from side to side into a lunge behind your leg rather than hop, and decrease the repetitions to 20.

8 Lunge Step-throughs (each leg)

  1. Stand tall with feet under hips, chest up and shoulders back, and your abs engaged.

  2. Take a long step forward, leading with your heel.

  3. Lower your body until leading thigh is parallel to the floor and shin is vertical.

  4. Your knee can tap the floor or hover above depending on your mobility.

  5. Drive through the leading heel to bring your leg back into a reverse lunge.

  6. Continue for 8 repetitions, then repeat with opposite leg.

  7. Breathing: Inhale as you step forward, exhale as you press back to starting position.

  8. Modification:

    1. If reverse lunges are too painful on your knees, cut out the reverse lunge and do 12 regular lunges on each leg, without alternating.

12 Burpees

  1. Start in a standing position, then squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you.

  2. Jump both feet behind you so you are in a push-up position.

  3. Lower your chest all the way to the floor.

  4. As you press back up, jump your feet forward to return to a squat position, then jump into the air.

  5. Continue for 12 repetitions.

  6. Breathing: Inhale as you lower to the floor, exhale as you pres up and jump.

  7. Modification:

    1. To make the movement a little easier, remove the push-up.

    2. If you are unable to jump, walk your feet in and out and remove the jump at the end.

10 Supermans

  1. Lie face down on the floor with arms overhead and arms in a “V” shape.

  2. Simultaneously raise your arms and legs, squeezing your shoulders, low back, glutes and hamstrings to form a bowl shape.

  3. Hold for 2 seconds then relax back into starting position.

  4. Continue for 10 repetitions.

  5. Breathing: Exhale as you squeeze, inhale as you lower back to the floor.

30 sec Flutter Kicks

  1. Lie flat on your back with arms at your sides, palms facing down and legs extended.

  2. Lift both heels off the floor and pump your legs in a slow and controlled movement for 30 seconds.

  3. Breathing: Do it!


Bonus Abs Workout


Upper Body