Bonus Abs Workout

Bonus Workout, Week One

Hello, and welcome to Day Four! Heyo! Who’s the BA taking their fitness to the next level?! YOU made the decision to go a step further with your fitness and because of that decision, you’re going to achieve your goals faster. Now put on some happy music and dance out your warm-up! Finish strong…This is it for Week 1, baby!


More on the Movements…


20 Alternating Reaches

  1. Lay face up, legs straight and arms at your sides. Raise both legs, keeping them as straight as possible.

  2. In this position, contract your abs and raise your upper back off the floor as reach for your left toe with your right hand.

  3. Lower your back to the floor, lift it again and reach for your right toe with your left hand.

  4. Return to starting and continue alternating for 20 repetitions.

  5. Breathing: Exhale as you reach, inhale as you lower.

20 Knee Tucks

  1. Start in high plank position, with your wrists in line with your shoulders.

  2. Contract your abs and jump both knees into your chest, then jump back to starting position.

  3. Continue for 20 repetitions.

  4. Breathing: Inhale as you jump toward your chest, exhale as you jump back.

  5. Modification:

    1. If you are unable to jump, walk your knees toward your chest, then walk them back to starting position. This will take longer, so get ready for the burn!

30 sec Rope Climb

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  1. Lay flat on your back with both feet planted.

  2. Contract your abs and lift your torso off the floor.

  3. Raise your hands in the air to mimic climbing a rope and continue for 30 seconds, holding the core contraction.

  4. Breathing: Do it!

30 sec Bird Dog (each side)

  1. Begin on your hands and knees: Wrists in line with your shoulders and knees in line with your hips.

  2. Contract your abs and, simultaneously, reach your right hand forward and your left leg back.

  3. Reach through your extended heel to squeeze your glutes and hamstrings.

  4. Bring your right elbow and left knee together, then repeat the movement.

  5. Continue on for 30 seconds, then switch to the left hand and right leg.

  6. Breathing: Inhale as you extend, exhale as you crunch.

20 Reach Throughs

  1. Lay flat on your back with your feet planted.

  2. Place one hand over the other and contract your abs as you roll your torso off the floor and press through your thighs.

  3. Return to the floor and continue for 20 repetitions.

  4. Breathing: Exhale as you roll and reach, inhale as you return to the floor.

30 sec Low Plank

  1. Start in standard plank position: Hands stacked under your shoulders, feet hip width apart.

  2. Lower yourself until you’re resting on your forearms, keeping everything in a straight line.

  3. Squeeze your butt and quads and hold your core tight, careful to not round your back or sag your hips.

  4. Breathing: Do it!

  5. Modification:

    1. Try to hold as long as possible, and if you need a break, make it quick then pop back up!

30 sec Side Plank (each side)

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  1. Start on your side with your feet stacked and forearm below your shoulder.

  2. Contract your core and raise your hip off the floor until your body is in a straight line.

  3. Hold the position for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

  4. Breathing: Do it!

  5. Modification:

    1. Step your top foot in front of the bottom foot for better balance, rather than stacked ankles. You can also place your top hand on the floor in front of you if you need further support.


Lower Body


Total Body