Lower Body
Day Three, Week One
Hello, and welcome to Day Three! Well look at you on a roll! You committed to 3 days, and you aren’t giving up. I SEE you. Warm up with some high knees and butt kicks, a pep talk, and get that playlist bumpin’. Be proud of this moment! Now go end your week with big ol’ sweat angel.
More on the Movements…
15 Narrow Deadlift Squat Jumps
Place feet slightly narrower than hip width, toes slightly pointed out.
Contract your core, bend your knees slightly, and kick your hips back as you reach for the ground with straight arms until your back is flat. Maintain a proud chest, keeping your shoulders back.
Drive through your heels as you stand, squeezing your glutes, then bring your hips through and jump.
Return to starting position and repeat 15 times.
Breathing: Inhale as you reach down, exhale as you stand and jump.
If you are unable to jump, tap your feet back instead and complete 20 repetitions of the entire movement: Narrow Deadlift + Tap Backs.
10 Power Skips
Step back into a reverse lunge, knee hovered above the floor, keeping your chest proud and shoulders back.
Press through the heel of your front foot, drive your knee high and jump.
Continue for 10 repetitions, then switch legs.
Breathing: Inhale as in the reverse lunge, exhale as you drive your knee and jump.
If the reverse lunge causes knee pain, lunge forward instead, return to starting position, then drive high with your knee and jump.
If you are unable to jump, simply drive your knee high without the jump.
20 Butterfly Hip Thrusters
Lie face-up on your mat with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together.
Contract your glutes and thrust your hips toward the ceiling.
Squeeze and hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower your hips back to the mat.
Continue for 20 repetitions.
Breathing: Exhale as you thrust, inhale as you lower.
30 sec Wall Sit
From a standing position, lean against the wall, walk your feet out and slide down the wall until you are at 90 degrees. Your shins should be vertical (knees in line with your ankles). Bodyweight should be in your heels.
Place your hands out in front (most difficult), at your sides, or on your thighs (easier position) and hold for 30 seconds.
Breathing: Do it!
10 Squats + 5 Pulses
Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width, toes slightly pointed out.
Drive your hips back as you squat, pulling your knees slightly open (don’t let them collapse in!) and keeping your chest puffed out.
Once you hips drop slightly below your knees, press through your heels and contract your glutes and thighs as you pulse 5 times.
Return to starting position and continue for 10 repetitions.
Breathing: Inhale as you squat, exhale as you pulse.
15 Split Squats
Take a long step forward into a lunge, raising the heel of your back foot.
Keep your chest proud and shoulders back as you lower your back knee until it hovers above the floor.
Push back up and squeeze your glutes at the top.
Continue for 15 repetitions then switch legs.
Breathing: Inhale as you lower, exhale as you push up.
20 Couch Squat Jumps
Stand in front of the couch or a sturdy chair with your feet hip width apart and toes slightly pointed out.
Keeping your chest proud and shoulders back, sit back onto the couch/chair.
After a short pause, press through your heels to jump, fully bringing your hips through.
Continue for 20 repetitions.
Breathing: Inhale as you sit back, exhale as you jump.
If you are unable to jump, stand instead, fully extending your hips and rolling onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels off the floor. Increase the repetitions to 30. Make sure your core is contracted throughout the movement and squeeze your glutes as you stand.
40 Speed Skaters
From standing position, take a big step to the right, then swing your left leg behind you while bringing you left arm in front of your body.
Hop to the left leg, swinging your right leg behind you and bringing your right arm in front.
Continue alternating for 40 repetitions.
Breathing: Inhale as you swing, exhale as you hop.
If jumping is not possible or too difficult, step from side to side into a lunge behind your leg rather than hop. Decrease repetitions to 20.